Sunday, March 18, 2012

Day 9: Spring

     Spring is finally here! I love Spring. It's a time when the harsh, cold Winter is stopped in it's tracks and it is defeated by the warmth and joy of Spring. Spring is a chance for new growth and bird tweets and blossoming flowers. If you don't believe me, just open the door and take a whiff of the fresh air. For most of us, it's hard not to be cheered up by Spring.
     So, this Spring, i have decided to be more like Spring. I want to be that person that everyone wants to be around because they're a "whiff of fresh air". I want to be that person that cheers someone up, that can change their mood entirely. I've been working on being more positive, an I admit, it has been hard at times. You see, I'm a really sarcastic person, so I'm not really the type of person who will smile and laugh with you; not naturally at least. But sometime you have to do things that you aren't naturally good at.
     If everyone made the effort to be kind to one another, even when it was difficult and they aren't naturally good at it, think of what a more unified world we would live in. So, right now, commit to doing something encouraging all through spring. With the flowers, let yourself fully bloom.

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