Monday, July 16, 2012

Day 31

     In the last paragraph in Day 30, I confessed that I was not reading my bible as often as I should, and I would like to elaborate on the importance of reading your bible.
    In most cases, God doesn't talk to His children verbally, or through dreams, or through a burning bush. This may make you feel like God has abandoned you or He just doesn't care. Perhaps He's too busy with his other children to worry about you. Does that sound right? Wrong.
     God loves each one of us just as much as He does another. He has undying love, so much so that He knew He had to make a way for His children to know what He expected from them. He also knew that they needed a way to know that He cared. So, He wrote the bible. Alright, so He didn't physically write it, but He wrote it through His children. They could never have written it themselves, or do anything else for that matter.
     So, when you read the bible, you are reading what God wrote to you, like a big love letter. You learn more about God, and therefore build a better relationship with Him. You can't have a close relationship with someone you know nothing about.
     I challenge you to read seven chapters of the bible a week. That's only one chapter a day! If you find yourself forgetting what you read about, take notes. If you think it's boring, read harder. The only way to have interest in God's word is if you are specifically looking for what he is trying to teach you. Let God teach you. Be that student that always has their hand up to ask a question. Then, let God show you the answer.

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