Monday, October 8, 2012

Day 42

    Wow, I haven't blogged in forever.  I don't know about you, but I've been really busy.  The free time I have I tend to use doing things I want to do.  I don't take time to pray as much. I hardly stop to read my Bible even in my free time.  I let myself get carried away with all the stress and worry and schoolwork and due-dates, and when that's all done I get carried away with the stuff I want to do.  Sometimes I'll think of my Bible, then tell myself I'll read it later since I'd rather do something else, or I just started doing something.  I start to put a bit of distance between me and my schedule and the things I want to do, and God.
    Does this sound anything like your life right now?  This is how it is for a lot of people.  We don't prioritize what should really be our main priority, building our relationship with God!  We let ourselves forget God and focus on our schedules, our lives, the things we want, instead of focusing on God's schedule, the ways we could be impacting other lives, what God wants, for us and everyone else.
    I'm preaching to myself, too.  I find myself in this position too many times.  We all do at some point, but that's not the part that matters most (not that that doesn't matter).  What really matters is what we do to get out of the situation.  We can choose to do nothing about it, or we can make the time.  And that's what I'm challenging everyone who reads this to do.  Get up a little earlier to read your Bible and spend time in prayer. Maybe stay up a little later. Whatever it is that you need to do to get yourself back in your Bible, building that relationship with God.
    Try to spend time with God at least 4 days this week.  Next week, or maybe next month, try for 5 days.  If you want, just jump right in and try for every day each week.  If not, work your way up to that.  Make God your priority.
